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We are proud to have a medically trained, team-oriented, and customer-centered team of care professionals.

Our team of care providers at Elite Hospice of Texas will vary depending on your or your loved one’s specific needs. Since hospice care deals with the complicated needs of a person with a life-threatening illness, our care professionals are also composed of individuals with various kinds of expertise. Typically, our hospice team includes:

  • Hospice Physicians
  • Hospice Nurse
  • Qualified Hospice Aides
  • Social Workers
  • Chaplains and Spiritual Counselors
  • Bereavement Coordinators and Volunteers

What Is Hospice?

There are many misconceptions about hospice care. The most common may be that exploring the option of hospice means you or your loved one has given up. On the contrary, life is still happening, and we believe the right care enables hospice patients to have a life with the best care and with grace, which is something we feel everyone deserves.

Elite Hospice wants to change the way people view and experience—hospice care. Patients in hospice still enjoy the things they are passionate about, many continue to work, and all have the opportunity to spend more time with people they love.

Hospice is for anyone with a terminal illness—not just patients with cancer. Hospice provides holistic and personalized care focused on comfort rather than a cure. Care is provided by an interdisciplinary team of professionals who consider the whole person, including physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs. Hospice is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, in the comfort of your home or community.

We ensure that our professionals are more than able to cater a high standard kind of hospice care to your loved one. Please visit our Hospice Services page to see what our team can offer. Feel free to contact us for more information.